From the late 1960's through to the 1970's, church attendance began to decline for all religious faiths, including St. Andrew's. By 1969, membership was down to 700 people (32% of the original congregation). In the mid 1970's, the Knox Presbyterians and the congregation of St. Andrew's were combining for summer services. Even with the combined congregations, St. Andrew's Church was still not filled with parishioners. Overall, membership decreased by 1,119 members from 1964 to 1973.
The loss of membership can be attributed to the decline in religious faith that was rampant throughout the 1960's during the "God is dead" era. Along with that, the development of additional United Churches throughout the area resulted in members attending other parishes.
By the early 1980's, church attendance at St. Andrew's had recovered slightly with an additional 41 parishioners returning to the faith. Over the years, membership levels have continued to improve and today, over 35,000* people actively practice the Protestant faith in Greater Sudbury.
Over the past twenty years, St. Andrew's has continued to be a source of religious faith and social friendship for many citizens throughout Greater Sudbury. The ability of this parish to go beyond the traditional church mandate and expand into a multi-purpose complex that changes with the times illustrates the dedication and foresight of its founding members and current officials.
St. Andrew's Church has satisfied not only the spiritual needs of its congregation, but has also contributed to the education of countless students who attend Laurentian University and Huntington College every year.
*Statistics Canada 2001 Community Profile
Material compiled from A History of St. Andrew's United Church, Sudbury, Ontario and History of St. Andrew's Church, Sudbury, Ontario: the United Church of Canada, 1883-1966.