Creating a Successful Parish

Membership in the Presbyterian faith had grown slightly over the years but in 1897, attendance and revenues began to drop and by 1901, the church had reverted back to missionary status. This meant that the parish no longer had a resident minister, but rather the congregation was visited by student missionaries and missionary ministers.

Reverend H.S. Graham.  Photo courtesy of "A History of St. Andrew's United Church, Sudbury, Ontario".The parish worked diligently to increase its membership and by the end of 1901, the church had regained a permanent minister in the form of Reverend H.S. Graham. Throughout his term, Reverend Graham encouraged the growth of the Presbyterian faith in the community. Soon after his departure from Sudbury in 1907, the church building had become too small to accommodate the increasing membership and services were moved to the local opera house.

The Presbyterian church received a new minister, Reverend E.S. Logie, in 1908 and he began the task of building a new church for the parishioners. A building committee was organized almost immediately and in 1909, construction began. On June 19, 1910, the new St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was dedicated. It was the largest and most impressive Protestant church in town.

April 11, 1912 saw Reverend Logie succeeded by Reverend William McDonald. Reverend McDonald became the last Presbyterian minister of St. Andrew's. He served the parish for fourteen years, helping the congregation to accept the membership into the United Church of Canada in 1925.


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