The Need for a New Church

In 1961, St. Andrew's celebrated its 75th Anniversary with its traditional daily services coupled with shared memories from guest speakers.

Throughout the 1960's, St. Andrew's Church was in dire need of repairs and was literally falling apart. At one point, services were being held in the gymnasium as it was believed that the walls could fall in at any given moment. The congregation utilized the parishes of other United Churches and the First Baptist Church for weddings and funerals while discussions took place regarding the best course of action for St. Andrew's.

The church board was attempting to determine if they should simply repair the parish or abandon the structure completely in favour of a new parish. On December 2, 1970, the board decided that it would develop a new, state-of-the-art multi-complex building on the existing site of the church. In March of 1968, the existing church was demolished and construction began on the new building. St. Andrew's Place was officially opened at the Larch Street location on May 27, 1973. The new structure was capable of holding 450 parishioners.

The new church structure turned away from the traditional church image and in the process, created a place of community and outreach. Among the achievements of St. Andrew's Place during the 1970's was the establishment of the 111 Club (a social club for seniors), and the Montessori Nursery School.

In 1976, St. Andrew's joined with the other church denominations in the downtown area to form the Downtown Churches Association; a group that deals with issues of mutual concern.

Throughout the mid to late 1970's, St. Andrew's strived to understand the religious traditions of other faiths and would invite guest speakers from Roman Catholic, Jewish, and Anglican denominations to share their faith with the Protestant congregation. This practice continued into the 1980's.


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