As early as 1909, Father Napoléon Paré, who was then Sainte-Anne's curate, was concerned about the young Catholic French-speaking orphans in the area. At the time, the only orphanage was a government institution run by an English-speaking Protestant. Though the children received very good care there, the priest feared they might not get an education in keeping with their religion and culture.
Twenty years later, after Central School (Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague) opened, the little brown school was put up for sale. Father Paré, who was now the parish priest, made arrangements to buy it and to find a religious order willing to take charge of the orphanage. The Soeurs Grises de Nicolet accepted, the Diocese gave the necessary authorizations, and the Orphelinat d'Youville opened its doors in May of 1929.
The Fédération des femmes canadiennes-françaises raised a good portion of the funds necessary to fix up the premises and assisted with the operation of the orphanage. The government provided five cents per day per child. Each year, the various parishes and parish associations were called upon to improve the children's situation.
Material compiled from Document historique no 9 SHNO.