Baseball's Following Grows

Sudbury's golden age of baseball came during the First World War and continued into the post-war years.  Many young American men would come to the Sudbury area to work in the mines and play baseball in the summer.  Fans would flock to the baseball diamond to watch their favourite players make the great plays.  Among the fan favourites were Red McLaughlin, Bert Flynn, Chuck Henry, "Boxcar" McDonald, Sam Rothschild, "PeeWee" Acquin, and "Dope" Acheson.

These players were so skilled that teams in other northern towns would often pay for their assistance in games to beat a rival team.  One player, Sam Rothschild, was in such high demand that he would often take long weekend train rides to play professionally in Montreal.

In April of 1921, the Nickel Belt Baseball League was officially admitted into the Ontario Amateur Baseball Association, and on June 9th of that year, teams played their first game as association members.

Sudbury's baseball team, like their hockey team, was named the Wolves.  This was largely because many of the baseball players were also on the Sudbury hockey team.



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