The INCO Triangle Digital Archives is a celebration of Ontario’s nickel mining heritage which led to the creation and development of Sudbury and its surrounding communities. It is here that you will find the stories of the industry that built our community, and the stories of our people that built the industry.
Over 125 years of community development, honour and pride lie at the very heart of this project. It is our hope that the INCO Triangle Digital Archives will strengthen Greater Sudbury by deepening its understanding of how the people of this community worked with industry to build our ever-growing and enduring city.
In 1936, the very first issue of the INCO Triangle was printed. The Triangle, as it was commonly called, was a monthly publication produced by the International Nickel Company for its employees between the years of 1936 and 1998.
For those born and raised in the area, the Triangle was a household item and everyone read it, adults and children alike. Each issue was filled with a multitude of photographs of employees and their families. The Triangle featured articles on different aspects of the operation and the people who worked on the equipment. The Triangle honoured its retirees, showcased the sports and recreational activities of the community and included a family album section.
These stories were not about the power brokers of the industry, but were the stories of the men and women who laboured in the mines and sweated in the refineries day in and day out. Who knows, perhaps an issue of the INCO Triangle even includes a picture, or makes mention of someone from your own family.
In response to overwhelming public interest and the recognition of the value of
the INCO Triangle to the local community, the Greater Sudbury Public Library,
along with Greater Sudbury Heritage Museums partnered with Vale, Cambrian
College and the City of Greater Sudbury to scan all of the estimated 600 issues of
the INCO Triangle and make them accessible to the public online.
The end result is this website, which allows you to:
- list all issues by year
- view any issue of the Triangle online in PDF format
- search the archives for a specific person or issue by date/keyword
- request a printout of an issue
- request a printout of a photo
Communities that honour their past take pride in building the future. Strong people build strong communities. This is the very essence of these digital archives. In commemoration of the 125th anniversary of what is now called the City of Greater Sudbury, the INCO Triangle Digital Archives is a celebration of our community’s past helping to form the foundation of an even stronger community for a better future.
The INCO Triangle Digital Archives Project was made possible through the financial
support of the Library Strategic Development Fund sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Culture
in partnership with the Greater Sudbury Public Library and Heritage Museums, Vale and Cambrian College.